Thursday, October 15, 2015

In-class: Use of analytics in everyday life

Pg 138: 
  • Decided to write about a topic I didn't want to write about - Affected School - Information: wrote two essays before the fact that I didn't really like. Chose last topic cause I could write about it.
  • Decision to apply to Starbucks - Affected Daily Life - Info: gathered info on job requirements, positions, places. 
  • Decision to change my major to psychology - Affected School - Info: Took a whole year of computer science to decide it wasn't for me. Went into Psychology because it felt right.
  • Decision to transfer to Olympic - Affected School - Agonized over whether to transfer to Olympic, decided when my friend was going there, and checked the programs here.
  • Take new ADHD medicine - Affected School/ Life - Info: Checked side-affects, see if there was cross over, checked if necessary.
  • Decision to take a different route to pick up my brother - Time to get home - Info: Just decided to head the other way because of traffic.
  • Decision to start watching "The Flash" on Netflix - Affects school work, affects own time - Info: Checked reviews.
Pg 141:

The two analysis based websites, or formats I chose are TotalBiscuit on YouTube and RockPaperShotgun. TB is a youtuber who reviews games and reports the most recent gaming news, RPS is the same. I prefer the way TB does his reviews over the way RPS does based mainly on the format that each chooses. RPS does written reviews, giving details and images while TB does mainly video reviews on games it does also help that I prefer the way he focuses in on the mechanics of a game over story. If anything to make RPS more effective, I'd add more images and focus on the other side of a game or just more towards the game in general, giving a detailed analysis on the mechanics and the story, It might also help to have a video that summarizes the article.

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