Tuesday, October 6, 2015

In-class Essay Prep

  1. “When she opened the front door, the whole street looked like a river, and water poured in. She described it as “rushing like the Colorado River.”” Pg 129 “Lydia’s Story”
  2. “”What do you want me to do?” I say. “You’ve got to come to me. I can’t come to you. Who knows what mental state you’re in?”” P157 “How in the World Do You Get a Skunk Out of a Bottle”
  3. “Her Tongue became dry and her lips were cracked , but she was only aware of being terrified of the water.” pg 130 “Lydia’s Story”

  • Mushi-Shi
  • Learning Cursive
  • First Book (I remember) Reading
  • Favorite Book (Name of the Wind)
  • Why I failed out of my last english class
  • Writing a Long Essay
  • Short story back in elementary

  1. PURPOSE: I want to share this story because I want to explain to others why I find Mushi-shi Enjoyable and why I believe others should watch it.
  2. AUDIENCE: Considering that my audience is this english class they probably won’t have similar experiences so I’ll have to do a bit more explaining which is fine.
  3. STANCE: Mainly the stance is somewhere between affectionate and sincere I want people to read it and take it seriously.
  4. MEDIA / DESIGN: I’ll present it on my blog, in writing with help of Audio samples of music from the anime and some pictures.

  1. What do you see? - While watching Mushi-shi I’m usually in my room, the lighting is dark with the window open behind me (I usually watch it at night before bed) outside the window I can vaguely see the shapes of distant trees or the far-off lights of the neighboring houses. in front of me are the light colors of green, white and blue dancing across the screen.
  2. What do you hear? - My headphones are on so I’m fully immersed in the world of Mushi-shi in front of me, usually this is the soft tones of dialogue or the soft and natural sounds of the music chosen for the background of the scene.
  3. What do you smell? - As I proceed to the point of when I start watching this anime, if it’s summer you can sometimes smell the scent of trees outside my window or sometimes it’s the salty scent of the ocean.
  4. How and what do you feel? - As I watch the show I feel contented, I laugh at the happy parts and I sit in a comfortably warm/cold room.
  5. What do you taste? - Before I watch I’ll usually grab a snack to sit with, this usually consists of juice or goldfish crackers, sometimes I’ll grab a muffin.
  6. Describe each person - Both characters are sitting in a well lit scene dominated by the pastel greens of the grass and nearby trees. The first, the main character is called Ginko, it’s not his birth name but it’s what he goes by, the second character is a young boy, the kid with “god’s left hand”. They talk in a calm tone used by people who are comfortable but aren’t necessarily friends both are sitting on the porch, and sit comfortable. As they talk Ginko holds a relatively calm facial expression while the boy holds surprise.
  7. "These are all Mushi." says Ginko "Mushi?" asks Shinra "Yeah, not quite like the insects we're accustomed to." "Put bluntly, it's like this. Say these four fingers are animals, and my thumb is a plant." Ginko responds while holding up his palm. "Man is here, furthest away from the heart, at the tip of the middle finger. The lower you are on the hand, the more primitive you become. If you trace them, the veins all converge around the wrist. Bacteria and Microbes are here. At this point, it's hard to distinguish between plants and animals." While using his thumb to follow his inner arm to his heart Ginko continues "But there are things even lower than that. Up the arm, past the shoulder and here are the Mushi, or as others call them, the Midorimono." Ginko finishes Thumb placed firmly on his heart.
  8. I suppose I'll write about what Mushi-shi means to me and talk about the mystery of the series, maybe talk about character's dialogue and the environment it presents you with.
  9. This narrative has multiple meanings to me, first, It was one of the first anime I watched and easily opened the way for continued experience of this interesting Media style. Second, the entire series presents messages and ideals that I believe everyone should learn, on an episode by episode basis it introduces new and interesting characters that push the story of this world along. It also shows the unique interaction of these “Mushi” on a world similar, but not quite the same as ours. Mushi-shi has easily brought many a calm night to me and has probably helped in dealing with my depression. This story matters to me because of the messages it presents and the calmness it brings when I watch it.

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