Thursday, October 22, 2015

In class Ads Analysis 10/22

1.       Who published these ads?
PETA, Freedom For Animals, Mercy for Animals, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
2.       Who are these texts intended for?
Freedom For Animals ad seems to be intended for women, as their ad parodies a woman’s hair ad. Mostly they seem to be targeted at average consumers. Mercy For Animals specifically wants people to not go to Walmart, so their target audience is probably people who go to Walmart.
3.       How can we tell that?
Freedom for Animals is mirroring what popular hair care ads for women look like. The Mercy for Animals ad specifically targets Walmart, so you can infer that this ad would be for people who go to Walmart.  
4.       What is the purpose of these texts?
They all want to stop animal cruelty. The Freedom for Animals ad specifically targets animal lab testing, PETA ad is against wearing fur, Mercy for Animals wants to stop/improve the farm animal conditions cruelty that Walmart is doing, and American Society’s ad is trying to inform people of domestic “pet” animal cruelty, and trying to get people to adopt a dog in need.
5.       How do they seem to be working towards that purpose?
Most of the ads are focusing on our emotion response to anime cruelty. The Mercy For Animals ad show a pig locked up in bad conditions, asking it’s audience if we support that. PETA’s ad shows a man with what we infer to be his dog. It makes us think of how we love our pets, and uses that emotion to make us not want to wear animal fur. The Freedom for Animals ad shows a woman with “luxurious” hair, but also with a wound on her scalp. The ad tells us that this is what happens to animals that are being tested on. Ethically, we think it’s wrong to hurt people, and they say that this is what happens to 300,000 animals every year. The American Society ad shows a cute dog, and has text that appears to be coming from the dog. The way they phrase the dog’s “speech” makes the dog seem innocent and child-like, so we feel bad about what happened to him. This emotional response makes us want to help dogs that are abused.
6.       What evidence from the texts can you provide?
The phrases and images mentioned in #5.
7.       Can you come up with that would indicate what the ads do as a group?

All kinds of animal cruelty is wrong, and you don’t even know that it’s happening.

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